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FUE Hair Transplant


The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is one of the two modern hair transplant techniques. FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration technique that demands professionalism, experience and precision to achieve the best result. Our fue hair transplant UK leaves no linear scars or stitches. Our doctors and hair transplant surgeons can develop a bespoke plan for each patient according to their needs and with a focus on attaining natural looking, packed hair.

FUE is a hair transplant surgery that involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor part of the body, usually the sides and back of the head. The individual follicles are then implanted in the areas that are affected.

1) Donor Area Identification: During the assessment/consultation prior to the surgery the donor region is assessed for suitability and shaved to size 1/2 to prepare for follicular harvesting.

2) Harvesting FUE grafts: Individual follicular grafts are harvested from the donor area (each follicle containing between 2 to 4 grafts) by extracting the hair.

3) Stored in Nutrient Solution: The harvested follicular grafts are placed in a nutrient solution, which ensure they are kept safely and nutrient until they are implanted.

4) Implanting FUE grafts: The follicles are then carefully implanted into the affected areas to ensure high density of your hair.
This method greatly improves the survival rate of the newly transplanted grafts. FUE has been proven exceptionally effective method for hair transplant.

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