A woman with smooth, shiny brown hair, reminiscent of a successful hair transplant in Turkey, lies back looking upward. Her locks fan out beautifully, emphasizing their lustrous texture and color, while the close-up angle accentuates her natural skin tone and facial features.

Hair Transplant in Turkey UK Comparison

Hair Transplants in Turkey and UK Comparison & Review

For many years Turkey has been dominating the hair transplant industry by offering cheap treatments with many promises and plenty of faulty procedures.

Before you think about booking your flight to Turkey to get your £1800 – £2,000 hair transplant, you should rad this carefully. The booming health tourism in Istanbul Turkey has taken many people horrified due to unexpected or no results.

Turkey is a particular hot spot for Brits jetting off on a sunny holiday and returning with (what they hoped would be) a brand new hairline. The Turkish lure of lower prices is making people pay the price with life-long scars and hair transplant horror stories to tell – we’ve heard this first hand from out clients! 

Turkey Hair Transplant – What Are The Risks?

With unqualified technicians hair transplant industry is unregulated is inevitable that these procedures will have a limited success rate. Common problems may include lack of essential hygiene which could lead to infections and incorrect handling of the follicles resulting in a hair transplant with poor coverage or unnatural regrowth.

Possible Risks Of A Hair Transplant Conducted In Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Procedures are mostly conducted by untrained staff
  • Clinics usually lack the same level of hygiene you get in the UK
  • Higher risk of infections
  • Aftercare is limited / non-existent as you’re out of the country
  • More than (UK advised) grafts can be taken causing damage and scarring
  • Language barriers may make things confusing

UK Hair Transplant With Prices Better Than Turkey

Our Hair Transplants performed in the UK are in competition with Turkish prices. We care for our patients so our surgeons are GMC registered and do surgeries at a CQC regulated clinic.


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